The Research and Development of Power Plant Thermal Efficiency Optimization System Based on B/ S Pattern 基于B/S模式的电站热经济性优化系统研究与开发
The leakage in vacuum system of steam turbine for unit no.4 in Zhangze Power Plant decreased thermal efficiency of said unit. 漳泽发电厂4号机组汽轮机真空系统泄漏,降低了机组热效率。
Condenser system in the heating system of thermal power plant is one of the important accessory systems that can improve unit cycle efficiency, its operation property would impact thermal efficiency and safety of whole Unit. 火电厂热力系统中的凝汽器系统是提高机组循环热效率的重要辅助系统之一,其运行性能直接影响到整个机组的热经济性和安全性。
In the power plant, utilize the steam draining out from the steam turbine to supply hot user with heat, heat lose in the vapor congealing device can be reduced effectively, make the thermal efficiency of the power plant improved. 在发电厂中,利用汽轮机中作过功的蒸汽向热用户供应热量,可以有效地降低凝汽器中的冷源损失,使发电厂的热效率得到提高。
In this paper, the thermodynamic system traditional structure matrix of power plant is improved, the structure matrix which considers thermal efficiency of the heater is inferred, this structure matrix has been integrated, and the rules to fill this matrix are also detailedly represented. 本文对电厂热力系统传统结构矩阵进行了改进,推导出了考虑加热器热效率的结构矩阵,并对该矩阵结构进行了整合,填写规则也被详细阐述。
The Input/ Loss Method is a unique process which allows for complete thermal understanding a power plant through explicit determinations of fuel and effluent flows, fuel chemistry, fuel heating ( calorific) value and thermal efficiency. 输入/损失技术,是一项独一无二的技术,它通过对燃料及其渗漏的流动、燃料化学性质、燃料热值和热效率的分析,为全面理解电厂热力过程创造了条件。
Through the tests of a NG 130/ 39 M 2 boiler installed at a thermal power plant and its pulverized coal system analyzed are some causes leading to the excessively high fly ash and slag combustible content and excessively low thermal efficiency of the boiler. 通过对某热电厂NG-130/39-M2型锅炉及制粉系统的测试,分析了锅炉飞灰和大渣可燃物含量偏高和热效率偏低的原因,并提出了相应的改造措施。
Build up a nuclear power plant thermal efficiency calculation of secondary-loop model, and calculated the different variable conditions of units to verify the validity of the model. 建立了核电二回路热效计算模型,并通过对机组变工况的实例计算,验证了该模型的有效性。
Secondly, the article conducts key research on the general power plant optimization and single unit optimization to increase the generation company operation optimization level and proposes optimization model of power plants operation based on integrated analysis of thermal efficiency which effectively reduces coal cost of generation. 第二,为提高发电厂运行优化水平,从总体优化和各单机优化两个层面进行了重点研究,提出基于综合热效分析的汽轮机组运行优化模型,有效降低了发电煤耗。
As a new gas turbine power plant, with a compact, stable, safe and reliable, you can quickly start and drive the load, with high thermal efficiency, etc., increasing attention has been paid, the application range more widely. 燃气轮机作为新型的动力设备,具有结构紧凑、运行平稳、安全可靠、可以快速启动并带动负载,具有较高的热效率等优点,日益受到人们的重视,应用范围也越来越广。
As the main control system of unit plant, an effective thermal power plant unit coordinated control system is the key to raise the level of thermal automation and the economic efficiency of power plant. 作为单元机组的主控系统,有效的火电厂单元机组协调控制系统(CoordinatedControlSystem,CCS)是提升热工自动化水平、提高电厂经济效益的关键。
In the power plant operation, there are two main factors impact the boiler thermal efficiency. The one is as the form of smoke heat loss, the other one is as the form of mechanical loss of incomplete combustion. 影响锅炉热效率的主要因素有两个:排烟损失和机械不完全燃烧损失。